Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
For an in-depth list of topics, see also the ACM REP ‘25 Call for Papers.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format via the HotCRP submission site:…. The authors should follow the single-column ACM format (see acmsmall) .
Accepted tutorials will be required to prepare a tutorial web page containing detailed information about the tutorial content, schedule and organization. Tutorial organizers are also responsible for the timely production and distribution of all material to be used during the tutorial (slides, notes, technical articles, etc.). In the case of a hands-on tutorial requiring software, it is strongly recommended that organizers place any software prerequisites online for participants to download and install before the start of the tutorial.
We encourage tutorial proponents to decide and motivate if and why their tutorial works (only) in an in-person, hybrid, or online format.
The decision on acceptance or rejection of tutorial proposals will be made on the basis of the overall quality of the proposal and its appeal to a reasonable fraction of the ACM REP community.
In particular, tutorials are encouraged to consider the following guidelines:
All submitted tutorial proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Line Pouchard (Sandia National Laboratories)
Tanzima Islam (Texas State University)
For questions and more details, please contact the tutorial organizer at TBD
Tutorial submission: TBD
Notification of acceptance: TBD