Topics of Interest

Tutorial submissions are encouraged for any topic aligned with the areas of interest outlined in ACM REP 2025 Call for Papers.

Submission Guidelines

Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format via the submission site: TBD

The authors should follow the single-column ACM format (see acmsmall).

Proposal Information

  • Title and abstract of the tutorial.
  • Name, email address, affiliation and brief professional biography of the tutorial instructor(s).
  • Tutorial description:
    • Learning Objectives: Clearly state the tutorial’s key learning outcomes and explicitly describe their relevance to the goals and themes of ACM REP 2025.
    • Intended Audience: Clearly indicate the targeted proficiency level (Introductory, Intermediate, or Advanced).
    • Audience Prerequisites: Specify required knowledge and skills clearly. Provide a brief tutorial outline highlighting key sections, with particular emphasis on hands-on practical sessions.
    • Tutorial Delivery: Clearly outline your strategies for actively engaging the audience throughout the tutorial. Examples include interactive coding demonstrations using Jupyter notebooks, panel discussions, live audience polling through platforms like Mentimeter, and structured group discussions on focused micro-topics. Tutorials relying solely on slides for the entire duration (e.g., three hours) will not be accepted, as they do not foster meaningful learning or participation.
  • Tutorial length: full (6 hours) or half day (3 hours).
  • Any special equipment/software needs for the tutorial.

Tutorial Online Presence

Accepted tutorials will be required to prepare a web page containing detailed information about the tutorial content, schedule and organization. Tutorial organizers are also responsible for the timely production and distribution of all material to be used during the tutorial (slides, notes, technical articles, etc.). In the case of a hands-on tutorial requiring software, it is strongly recommended that organizers place any software prerequisites online for participants to download and install before the start of the tutorial.

Tutorial Format

We encourage tutorial proponents to decide and motivate if and why their tutorial works (only) in an in-person, hybrid, or online format.

Evaluation Criteria

The decision on acceptance or rejection of tutorial proposals will be made on the basis of the overall quality of the proposal and its appeal to a reasonable fraction of the ACM REP community.

In particular, tutorials are encouraged to consider the following guidelines:

  • The research topic falls in the general scope of the conference.
  • There is a clear focus on a specific technology, problem or application.
  • There is an anticipation of a sufficiently large community interested in the topic.
  • There is a concrete plan for the tutorial format including exercises or other types of hands-on work.

All submitted tutorial proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the ACM REP community;
  • clarity and quality of the tutorial, which should emerge from its description;
  • good organization, as appearing from the outline;
  • the value of any materials released with the tutorial for the community;
  • preference will be given to tutorials that favor audience engagement and interactive content;
  • background/experience of tutorial instructor(s) in teaching the target topics.

Tutorial Chairs

Line Pouchard (Sandia National Laboratories)
Tanzima Islam (Texas State University)

Contact Information

For questions and more details, please contact the tutorial organizers at

Important Dates

Tutorial submission: April 30, 2025, 23:59 AOE
Notification of acceptance: May 26, 2025