ACM REP ‘25 welcomes submissions across computing disciplines, spanning both traditional computer science and interdisciplinary scientific computing applications in biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, genomics, geosciences, etc. The conference particularly values submissions that demonstrate reproducible experimental results. Where full reproduction is not achieved, detailed documentation of the reproducibility experience is equally valuable.
The conference addresses various aspects of reproducibility and replicability, including but not limited to the following topics:
We solicit papers describing original work relevant to reproducibility and independent verification of scientific results. The submission must not be published or under review elsewhere. ACM REP 2025 is a double-blind reviewed conference. Author names should not be included. Past work should be referred to in the third person. Self-citations and supplementary material (including code repositories) should also be anonymized.
ACM REP submissions can be research, survey, vision, or experience papers. Submissions will be evaluated according to their significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, relevance, and likelihood of generating discussion. Authors should note that changes to the author list after the submission deadline are not allowed without permission from the PC Chairs. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for, attend, and present the work at the conference.
We solicit both full length papers (10 pages) and short papers (4 pages). The former tend to be descriptions of complete technical work, while the latter tend to be descriptions of interesting, innovative ideas, which nevertheless require more effort to mature. The page limit is without references and/or appendices. The Program Committee may decide to accept some full papers as poster papers. Full and short papers will be given a presentation slot in the conference. All papers, regardless of size, will be given an entry in the conference proceedings.
For full papers with experimental results, submission of accompanying artifacts is mandatory. The artifacts will be reviewed by the Program Committee, and those that pass will be awarded Artifact Availability Badges per ACM policy.
Papers must be submitted in PDF format according to the ACM template published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Papers must be self-contained and in English. If submitting a short paper, authors must indicate “SHORT:” at the beginning of the title. The review process is double-blind.
The conference submission site is:
Abstract submission (Long and Short): March 31, 2025, 23:59 AOE
Paper submission (Long and Short): April 7, 2025, 23:59 AOE
First response to authors: May 12, 2025
Revise and Resubmit: May 26, 2025
Notification of acceptance: June 23, 2025
Camera-ready copy: July 14, 2025
Conference: July 29 - 31, 2025
Ashish Gehani (SRI)
Khalid Belhajjame (University Paris - Dauphine)
Name | Affiliation |
Sergey Bratus | Dartmouth College |
Kevin Butler | University of Florida |
Prasad Calyam | University of Missouri |
Jean Camp | Indiana University - Bloomington |
Lorenzo Cavallaro | University College London |
Bruce Childers | University of Pittsburgh |
Ludovic Courtes | INRIA |
Jack Davidson | University of Virginia |
Lorenzo De Carli | University of Calgary |
Ewa Deelman | Information Sciences Institute |
David Eyers | University of Otago |
Dustin Fraze | Microsoft |
Juliana Freire | New York University |
Fraida Fund | New York University |
Grigori Fursin | FlexAI / cTuning / MLCommons |
Simson Garfinkel | BasisTech |
Daniel Garijo | Technical University of Madrid |
Paul Groth | University of Amsterdam |
Kevin Hamlen | University of Texas - Dallas |
Marc Herbstritt | University of Freiburg |
Thomas Hildebrandt | University of Copenhagen |
Alefiya Hussain | Information Sciences Institute |
Hasan Jamil | University of Idaho |
Daniel Katz | University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign |
Joshua Kroll | Naval Postgraduate School |
Ignacio Laguna | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Stefan Leue | University of Konstanz |
Michael Locasto | Narf Industries |
Bertram Ludäscher | University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign |
Alyssa Milburn | Intel |
Jelena Mirkovic | Information Sciences Institute |
Sean Oesch | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Limor Peer | Yale University |
Sean Peisert | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Solal Pirelli | Sonar |
Beth Plale | Indiana University - Bloomington |
Lutz Prechelt | Free University of Berlin |
Vicky Rampin | New York University |
Ahmad Ridley | Laboratory for Advanced Cyber Research |
Birali Runesha | University of Chicago |
Mahadev Satyanarayanan | Carnegie Mellon University |
Stefanie Scherzinger | University of Passau |
Sameer Shende | University of Oregon |
Salvatore Signorello | University of Lisbon |
Stian Soiland-Reyes | University of Manchester |
Douglas Thain | University of Notre Dame |
Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz | University of Zaragoza |
Ana Trišović | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Petr Tuma | Charles University |
Anjo Vahldiek-Oberwagner | Intel Labs |
Theo Zimmermann | Telecom Paris |