Health & Safety

We are delighted to welcome attendees to our meeting at Inria, Rennes University, while also acknowledging continued concerns about the spread of COVID and other health and safety issues. Our team is monitoring the latest guidance and regulations, and our policies align with public health orders. We will follow venue and local regulations regarding masking, distancing, and related health measures.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccinations or a recent negative COVID-19 test result is currently not required for this event. However, If you are feeling sick or test positive for COVID, do not attend the meeting. We are relying on the responsible behavior of our attendees. We encourage but do not require the wearing of masks by attendees. Masks will be made available at the conference venue. Note that for all hospitality related activities, attendees will have the option to eat meals or partake in coffee breaks outdoors if they desire.
If there are any changes in vaccination and/or masking requirements, participants will be emailed prior to the meeting and new requirements will be posted on this page.
We kindly ask that attendees please consult and follow TBD guidelines for quarantine and isolation and travel (as they may change) prior to traveling for the meeting.
During the meeting, participants are encouraged to:
- Monitor for symptoms of COVID each morning before coming to the meeting.
- Consider bringing a rapid COVID test kit in case you experience symptoms.
- Wear a high-quality mask
If you experience symptoms of COVID and/or test positive for COVID while attending ACM REP, you are strongly requested to:
- Notify colleagues that they may have been exposed.
- Adjust your accommodations and travel plans to follow TBD guidelines for quarantining.
- Refrain from attending any meeting events.